
BIA-ALCL Lawyers and Law Firms – Legal Advise



BIA-ALCL Lawyers and Law Firms – Legal Advise


BIA-ALCL is a rare form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that can occur in various areas of the body, with textured breast implants. BIA-ALCL can develop years after having textured breast implants, regardless of whether they have a silicone or saline filling. In addition to BIA-ALCL, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report diagnosis of:


  • Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (also known as Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, NHL, or just Lymphoma)
  • T-cell Lymphoma


Allergan Recall

Allergan recalled all styles of the Natrelle BIOCELL textured breast implants. If you do not know the style/type and manufacturer of your breast implants contact your plastic surgeon. Check here for a list of styles/types of Allergan breast implants that have been recalled.



Treatment is normally very successful and rarely requires anything other than surgery to remove the breast implants and full capsule. New smooth-shelled breast implants can then immediately replace them. Rarely, when an early diagnosis was not made and the lymphoma has spread beyond the scar capsule, radiation and chemotherapy may be required.


If you are concerned

If you are concerned about developing BIA-ALCL you might want to have your Allergan breast implants replaced. Allergan will provide new breast implants without charge; however, the cost of the surgery and any other charges will not be covered.


You can file a lawsuit if you have textured breast implants, from one of the following manufactures of the breast implants:

  • Allergan
  • Actavis
  • Sientra
  • Mentor
  • Johnson & Johnson



The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the FDA do not advise the removal of any style of textured breast implants from any manufacturer. The risk of developing BIA-ALCL is extremely low, although it is essential to be aware of the signs and symptoms of BIA-ALCL and consider having annual mammograms.  


If you have any symptoms of BIA-ALCL or have a BIA-ALCL diagnosis, numerous law firms are offering free, no-obligation legal consultations. Prior to your consultation complete this checklist and ask the following questions, before hiring an attorney:

  • Review the law firm and their overall success rate.
  • Check credentials with the accrediting bodies.
  • Do you operate on a contingency fee (no win, no pay) basis?
  • How much is your fee?
  • How many medical negligence cases have been won in the past 3 months?
  • How much was your highest compensation amount, recovered in the past 12 months?
  • When and how can I contact you with any concerns?
  • How often will you provide updates?
  • What evidence are you going to need?
  • What is the time frame to secure a settlement or go to trial?
  • Are there time limits to file a claim?


On average it takes between 18 and 24 months for a settlement to be accepted or to complete a trial.



UK (BIA-ALCL) Lawyers


In the UK the MHRA currently reports a minimum of 61 women have received a diagnosis of BIA-ALCL.

Leigh Day in March 2020, Leigh Day issued the first legal proceedings against Allergan, at the High Court. You can also add your details to their mailing list if you have textured implants and are concerned about developing BIA-ALCL.



U.S.A (BIA-ALCL) Lawyers


In the U.S.A the FDA currently reports women have received a diagnosis of BIA-ALCL.

Ross Feller Casey In April 2018, Ross Feller Casey filed the first BIA-ALCL lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries on behalf of Renee Cashen who was diagnosed with BIA-ALCL after having Mentor, MemoryGel® SILTEX® textured breast implants.

Breast Implant Cancer Advocates founded by Sokolove Law 

Thomas J. Lamb toll-free number, (800) 426-9535, speak directly to attorney Tom Lamb

Levin Law established in 1955, has filed lawsuits against medical device manufacturers.

Edgar Snyder & Associates available 24/7 and there are three ways to get in touch with us: by phone, chat, or online form

Dampier founded in 1995, available 24/7.

Top Class Actions Wilkins Law Firm, PLLC


Canada (BIA-ALCL) Lawyers


Howie Sacks and Henry LLP and Beyond Law LLP, have partnered to pursue individual mass tort actions for any women who have Allergan breast implants and have been diagnosed with BIA-ALCL.

Renée  is a Partner with Howie, Sacks & Henry and exclusively handles personal injury law.

Paul Miller has over 20 years of experience with law cases regarding defective products and medical devices.

Merchant Law , to be included in the class action against Allergan.

Thomson Rogers and Rochon Genova LLP,  to be included in the class action against Allergan Implants.


Several Allergan recall lawsuits have been filed by women who are worried about developing BIA-ALCL. In addition to the cost of any surgery and related medical costs, compensation for pain and suffering lost wages and legal fees are being sought after. To date, Allergan has refused to pay anything towards the cost of implant removal and, or replacement.


This information is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. 



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