
BIA-ALCL Update October 2020








(breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma) is a rare cancer of the immune system that can be triggered by breast implants.


The link between textured breast implants and BIA-ALCL led to the worldwide withdrawal of Allergan BIOCELL textured breast implants and tissue expanders, on July 24th 2019, following a request issued by the FDA


I have Allergan 410 textured breast implants which have been associated with the highest risk of developing BIA-ALCL. I have chosen not to have them exchanged further to reviewing the research, medical papers and studies released to date, which currently indicate a very low risk of developing BIA-ALCL. I can, however, understand the extreme anxiety women who have experienced cancer prior to having breast implants must be feeling. I also understand that everyone is impacted in different ways and for some women who have never had cancer, this could also cause them severe anxiety. Women who are considering having their implants exchanged may want to consider either breast implants with a smooth shell (to date there have been not been any cases of BIA-ALCL linked to smooth shelled breast implants) or reconstructive flap surgery. Women who have had smaller sized implants 200cc or less might also want to consider removing them and having fat transfer procedures.

I would strongly urge any women to take their time and consider all the options before choosing to have their breast implants removed or replaced. I will continue to monitor for all available research and information about BIA-ALCL and post all links I find to medical papers, research studies and news articles.



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