
Body contouring

Non Surgical Procedures


toned woman stomach

All about body contouring with Warm Sculpting (SculpSure) and Cool Sculpting


Warm Sculpting (SculpSure), and Cool Sculpting?


The effectiveness of all nonsurgical body contouring treatments will partially depend on the volume of fat you want to remove and the distribution of fat on various areas of your body. Both Warm Sculpting (SculpSure) and Cool Sculpting noninvasive treatments have been proven to be effective and are FDA approved. Neither treatment requires anesthesia or medication and both can be used to treat stubborn fat on the abdomen, back, thighs, buttocks, and under the buttocks, arms, and under the chin.

Warm sculpting

Warm sculpting which is also known as SculpSure works better for individuals who are slim and want to eliminate small volumes of stubborn fat in isolated pockets. Approval from the FDA for warm sculpting is limited to the treatment of the abdomen and love handles (flanks) however it has been shown to be effective at removing fat from many other body areas.


Cool Sculpting

Cool Sculpting works better for individuals who want to eliminate larger volumes of stubborn fat that are more spread out over the body for example rolls of abdominal or back fat. Cool Sculpting is the only noninvasive method of fat removal that has been approved by the FDA to treat double chins (fat located under chin).

Treatments with Warm sculpting (SculpSure) are quicker and tend to be less expensive than with Cool Sculpting.

How does Warm Sculpting (SculpSure) remove body fat?

Warm Sculpting (SculpSure) is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses four-paneled hyperthermic lasers to heat and destroy subcutaneous fat cells in a process called thermolipolysis. Once destroyed the body naturally dispels the fat cells via the lymphatic system.

The procedure with Warm Sculpting (SculpSure)

Warm Sculpting’s applicator system uses multiple applicators and can target multiple areas during the same treatment. The treatment can be done lying down or sitting up and applicators with laser panels are placed directly onto the skin in the areas where fat removal is desired. At the beginning of the treatment, a cooling feature will produce a cool sensation. This will change to a deep warming or tingling sensation as the treatment progresses and the hyperthermic lasers heat and destroy fat cells. The lasers also stimulate collagen production when they are is heating the fat cells which helps to lift and smooth skin. The applicators ensure that SculpSure’s laser energy tapers, resulting in smooth contouring and eliminating ‘ridges’ along the edge of the treated and untreated areas. Although treatments only last 25 minutes, a small number of individuals find the heating or tingling sensation unpleasant.

Recovery time after Warm Sculpting (SculpSure)


  • Daily activities can be resumed immediately after treatment.

  • The skin may be red for around 30 minutes after treatment.

  • The area treated may be sore for up to a week after treatment.

  • Nodules may develop, although these will go away with massage.


Results after Warm Sculpting (SculpSure)

Noticeable results will be visible within four-to-six weeks, with final results evident within approximately 3 months after treatment. The treatment permanently removes fat cells and body contours will not change in the area treated, however it is still possible to gain weight in untreated areas.

How does Cool Sculpting remove body fat?

Cool Sculpting is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses a process called cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells. Once destroyed the body naturally dispels the frozen fat cells, via the lymphatic system.

The procedure with Cool Sculpting

CoolSculpting uses seven applicators which have various contours, shapes, and sizes to effectively target specific areas of fat; however, it is only possible to treat one body area per treatment. You can lye down or sit up during the treatment and fat from the area treated is suctioned via a curved applicator in between two cooling plates to create a vacuum.

The fat cells are cooled to 39°F, freezing the fat cells, and a pinching, tingling, tugging, or pulling sensation combined with an intense cooling sensation will be experienced during the 35 to 60-minute treatment. Occasionally some individuals with thicker fat deposits will find the procedure painful and may need to stop, however within approximately 10  minutes, the area becomes numb. Once the procedure is completed the area is massaged to warm up the skin and encourage the fat cells to break up, most patients find the massage is uncomfortable but easily bearable.

Recovery time after Cool Sculpting


  • Daily activities can be resumed immediately after treatment.

  • The skin may be numb, sore, swollen, and bruised for up to a week after treatment.

  • Delayed pain reactions can cause stabbing or cramping pains up top 11 days after treatment.

Results after Cool Sculpting

You’ll start to see results within four-to-six weeks, the final effects will take approximately three months after treatment to be fully evident. A ‘ridge’ between the treated and untreated areas may be visible, although this will normally fade in time.

My Advice

Discuss your goals with a qualified plastic surgeon who either offers both cool sculpting or warm sculpting  (SculpSure) treatments. Alternatively consult 2 plastic surgeons that offer either treatment, to discuss the pros and cons of each treatment, prior to deciding which is best.

Questions to ask your consultant


  • How long have you been treating patients with Cool Sculpting or Warm Sculpting (SculpSure)?

  • How many sessions are normally required?

  • Why are you recommending Cool Sculpting or Warm Sculpting (SculpSure) to remove fat from the areas I want to have treated?

  • What are the advantages of (whichever treatment recommended) over the (treatment not recommended)?

  • What are the disadvantages of (whichever treatment recommended) over the (treatment not recommended)?

  • What risks and complications are associated with this treatment?

  • Have any patients reported long term complications or been dissatisfied with their results?

  • For how long do you provide aftercare and are there any additional charges if extra sessions are required


Cool Sculpting and Warm Sculpting (SculpSure) machines for personal use

There are no home use machines for either Cool Sculpting and Warm Sculpting that are FDA approved.

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