
Breast Implant-associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) (December 2021)Update




The occurrence of BIA-ALCL is still a real and constant concern for patients with breast implants and plastic surgeons, who want to provide the highest level of care to their previous patients. BIA-ALCL is a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer of the immune system) normally found in the scar tissue capsule and fluid, in one or both breasts, if not diagnosed and treated early it can spread throughout the body. For the majority of patients, an  EN-Bloc resection   is all that is required, some patients may also require chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.

The most recent updates I have found come from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) AND The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS). Below is a short summary and links if you want to read the full update.  


BAPRAS BIA-ALCL Statement July 2021

The update from the   British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons    (BAPRAS) is simply confirmation of a previous press statement released in 2015.

The statement is based on a study by the French National Cancer Institute regarding the link between textured breast implants and BIA-ALCL. The BAPRAS does not recommend removal of textured breast implants and advises women to monitor for symptoms of BIA-ALCL
BAPRAS did not provide any further guidance until the MHRA released guidance in July 2018.


FDA News Release  and FDA Medical Device Reports of BIA-ALCL August 2020

This is information below is from the  FDA   regarding the number of women diagnosed with BIA-ALCL and the number of deaths recorded up until January 5th, 2020 as per the  European Medical Device Regulation  (MDR) data.

A total of 733 women diagnosed
A total of 36 deaths globally

Summary of cases and the breast implants associated with BIA-ALCL:

620 cases for Allergan implants
47 cases involved implants with an unknown manufacturer
496 cases were associated with textured breast implants
28 cases were associated with smooth breast implants*
209 cases did not specify the breast implant surface
15 of the deaths were linked to Allergan breast implants
16 of the deaths were linked to textured breast implants

*In the 28 cases associated with smooth breast implants:
10 do not have a prior history of breast implants,
8 have a history of textured breast implants,
9 have a history of prior breast implants with unknown texture
1 has a history of one smooth breast implant and no known breast textured implants
There are no associated deaths with tissue expanders, often referred to as expandable breast implants

‘It should be noted that many MDR reports do not contain information, or contain incomplete information, on the prior implant history of the patient.’
FDA News Release 20/08/2020

The FDA has also released a useful   video   I would recommend watching about symptoms of BII and BIA-ALCL.

Common symptoms of BIA-ALCL

Redness on the skin surface of breast or breasts
Swelling of breast or breasts
Pain in breasts or underarms
Lumps in breasts or underarms


Diagnosis of BIA-ALCL

Symptoms of BIA-ALC may present in one or both breasts. To diagnose BIA-ALCL an ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration should be performed to provide a sample of periprosthetic fluid, if a suspicious mass is detected on the ultrasound, a tissue biopsy is also required.




My Opinion

Monitor for symptoms of BIA-ALCL and if you have any symptoms or concerns, immediately contact your plastic surgeon or a medical professional.

Annabelle Baugh | Founder

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