
Extra Large Breast Implant Options



Extra Large Breast Implant Options

Extra Large Breast Implant Options


There are various options for extra large breast augmentation. One of the key considerations is the type of breast implant you chose and what compromises you are willing to make. The main compromise is the feel of extra large breast implants. Although silicone breast implants can be custom manufactured in volumes over 800cc, not many women have sufficient skin or large enough frames to accommodate large silicone breast implants.

This is why saline-filled tissue expanders otherwise referred to as expandable breast implants are one of the most popular options for extra large breast augmentation. This type of breast implant can be filled with additional saline over a period of time and can be significantly overfilled to greater cc volumes than 1000cc. The main drawback is tissue expanders, particularly when overfilled can feel very firm.


Double Lumen Breast Implants for Extra Large Breast Augmentation


Another type of breast implant that is now being used more often for women who want extra large breast augmentation and are happy with a maximum size of 1000cc breast implants are double lumen breast implants. Standard double-lumen breast implants have an inner lumen that is filled with silicone gel and an outer lumen that is filled with saline and can be expanded. The other type of double-lumen breast implant is called a reverse double-lumen breast implant. This type of breast implant has an adjustable inner saline-filled lumen and an outer silicone gel-filled lumen and is becoming a popular option for women who want extra large breast implants up to 1000cc.

Both types of double-lumen breast implants have a lumen that is filled with saline and allows for additional saline to be added or removed at a later date, following the initial placement of the breast implants. For use in cosmetic breast augmentation, the use of double-lumen breast implants provides an alternative to saline-filled breast implants, which can be prone to wrinkling and tend to feel harder when overfilled. The advantage of breast implants with an inner saline-filled lumen and an outer silicone-filled lumen is the silicone helps to prevent visible rippling and also provides a softer layer around the saline-filled lumen.

A double lumen breast implant that is popular for women who desire larger breast augmentation is Mentor breast implants, which are part of the Becker range. Mentor double lumen breast implants have an inner saline-filled lumen, and a saline-filled outer lumen. They offer an alternative for women who want breast implants that are bigger than the maximum 800cc available for premade silicone breast implants. And women who are concerned about how firm larger saline breast implants tend to feel.

Mentor produce two types of double-lumen expander breast implants that can be used for extra large breast augmentation.  Both are part of the Becker range and provide an alternative for women who cannot accommodate the cc volume they desire or want breast implants up to 1000cc. The SILTEX ™ Round BECkER™ 50 Expander/Implants, consist of an inner lumen that can be filled with up to 50% saline and a 50% silicone-filled outer lumen. The biggest breast implant in this range and style, consists of an inner lumen, with a maximum fill volume of 350cc saline, and an outer lumen, filled with silicone up to a volume of 350cc. Although this makes them only a total of 700cc and silicone breast implants are available up to 800cc, Mentor double lumen implants, offer a way for women who cannot accommodate the size of breast implants they desire, even if they are below 800cc to have larger breast implants, without needed a secondary breast augmentation procedure.

The other type is the SILTEX ™ Round BECkER™ 25 Expander/Implants. They consist of an inner lumen that can be filled with up to 25% saline and a 75% silicone-filled outer lumen. The biggest breast implant in this range and style consists of an inner lumen with a maximum fill volume of 800cc saline and an outer lumen, filled with silicone up to a volume of 200cc. This style does provide an overfill option of up to 1000cc saline, however, this is the temporary over expansion volume, that should be reduced by 200cc at a later date. Women can choose to keep the saline-filled lumen at the 1000cc volume if they want to. This makes the largest breast implant volume a total of 1200cc in this range and style, although this will void the warranty.

Both styles of Mentor Expander/Implants have a valve attached to a port, usually located near the armpit, beneath the skin to allow extra saline to be added at a later time. This style of expander breast implants are also designed to remain in on a permanent basis.


Complications and Risks Associated With Extra Large Breast Implants


Almost all extra large breast implants will produce round and “fake” looking breasts. Complications associated with extra large breast implants include:

  • Necrosis (death of cells)
  • Breast implant extrusion
  • Breast implant malplacement
  • Excessive sagging over time
  • Skin atrophy (skin thinning over time)


Placement For Extra Large Breast Implants


Extra large breast implants are usually placed in the submuscular (below the muscle) position, this is because the layer of muscle provides additional support and coverage for the breast implants.

Submuscular placement is also recommended to reduce tension on the skin and tissue and help prevent complications at a later date.

Another option that may be recommended, is the subglandular (above the muscle) placement, with additional permanent internal sutures or the internal bra procedure, to provide extra support for the weight of larger breast implants.


Incisions For Extra Large Breast Implants


Almost all extra large breast implants will have to be inserted using the inframammary (under the breast) incision. Saline-filled breast implants offer more options as they are filled once they have been inserted. This means it is possible to insert saline-filled breast implants using a range of breast implant incision options including:

  • Peri-areolar (nipple/areolar)
  • Transauxillary (under arm)
  • Transumbillical (belly button)

Read more about transumbilical breast augmentation (T.U.B.A).


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