
Why Adult Friendships Are Important



Why Adult Friendships Are Important

New Year can be a challenging time and if you are going to try to do one thing in 2023 I would urge you to reach out to old friends. 

I never thought about how important it was to have an intentional quality of friendships until I hit my mid 20’s. The transitioning we all go through as adults will at some point make you realize having friends is just as important as everything else in life. Life can be truly challenging as an adult, especially if you are part of a minority, life can feel overwhelming, lonely and confusing. As you become older you start to understand how cultivating meaningful relationships and surrounding yourself with people who naturally align with you, your culture and your beliefs, brings with it a higher quality of life.


How Does Friendship Work?

Throughout your twenties, life teaches you lessons about love and friendship, it is okay to outgrow people, people who come and go for a reason, and seasonal friendships are also part of life. But throughout these life changes comes a blessing, because life always makes room for new friendships or friendships you have managed to maintain and never had to question. 

There are many types of friendships that become your chosen family. They support you unconditionally, love you unconditionally and show up for you in every way. These friendships grow to become family and a tribe of genuine love that accept you as you are and are always right behind you.

Healthy friendships can only work if you are committed to communicating and spending quality time with each other to grow. A healthy friendship is an ability to be completely transparent with each other and respect each other’s boundaries, by listening to one other.  When you spend time connecting with your friends it helps the bond of sharing a common interest, your feelings and what you value as individuals. 


Can Friendship Last For a Lifetime?

Life will humbly consistently remind you that we are at the stage of life with many highs and lows, such as marriages, children, separations, careers, family issues, losses, health issues, growing families, big moves, and many more. These are the times in life when we most need our tribe.

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”  Elisabeth Foley

We are all growing as we walk through adulthood and having no friends to share life’s highs and lows with is hard. As human beings we need to be connected and rooted in love and healthy relationships that help you become the best version of yourself.

But friendship isn’t easy, it includes being available, even when it’s inconvenient. It means moving beyond the surface to real conversations and being willing to work at forgiveness and resolution when conflict inevitably arises

If you want to know how you can create a circle of good friends as an adult, keep reading. 


Good Friendship For Grown Ups

 Here are 3 simple tips on how you can create a circle of good friends as an adult.


Commit to making time

Making friends as an adult can be very challenging due to having different responsibilities and schedules. But making friendship work requires intention and making an effort to build a connection with people.  Be committed to making an effort to meet with friends, check in whether that is virtually or in person, making your presence known in each other’s life is how you build and create healthy and solid friendships.


Build your community

There is power in community and creating a space to cultivate purposeful adult friendships. Do not underestimate making friends at your local church, gym or work.  We interact with people daily and some connections are more impactful than others, but through those connections in your community, you can meet lifelong friends. 


Maintain a positive mindset

Making friends as an adult is difficult, it takes a lot of investment and a willingness to trust a person will not reject or hurt you. Sometimes you may feel as though you have no more left to give, and you might not want to continue making an effort, especially if you are feeling overloaded presently in other areas of life. Making friends as an adult takes work. It’s an investment. And sometimes, you might feel a little defeated.  But remember having good friends can transform your life, true friendship can also play a huge part in relieving the pressure and stress of life.

There is nothing like having friends who cheer for you, celebrate you, support you even if they don’t agree with you and bring you peace. I wish for every woman to find their tribe and grow a deeper sisterhood foundation that is unshakable.


Celebrate your friendships by sharing one of these meaningful friendship quotes


“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Helen Keller


“You might be crazy to be my friend but I love you anyway!” Annabelle Baugh 


“In the blink of an eye everything can change! Why waste time?‪” Madonna


Guest post by Tracy Faith, influencer and lifestyle content writer.

Instagram – @itstracyfaith


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