World First Alternative to 
Silicone Implants

Cosmetic Surgery Advancements

Could this be the end of silicone implants?

Scientists have found a revolutionary way to augment or reconstruct breasts without permanent
implants. The Matisse 3D printed breast implants are made from dissolvable sutures that will eventually disappear
leaving behind only natural tissue. Read more in our press coverage featuring exclusive quotes
from key players in the industry.
Read the press release HERE

Media Contact
Annabelle Baugh | CSA Founder

Annabelle Baugh
Author: Annabelle Baugh


The content and images provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and, or any kind of non-surgical or surgical treatment. CSA has no liability for any decision you make about the type of surgery you decide to have.

In the event that we provide links to third-party websites, we disclaim all responsibility and liability for the content of such third-party websites.

Take No Chances With Your Cosmetic Breast Surgery  

Are you considering breast augmentation, breast implants, a breast lift, or breast reduction surgery? 

Make informed decisions and achieve outstanding results with our Breast Surgery Guide. This comprehensive resource is written by someone who has undergone breast surgery and reviewed by the renowned Mr. Douglas McGeorge FRCS (Plast), a leading UK plastic and specialist breast surgeon.

Prepare to make informed decisions by reading the: Beginners Guide to Cosmetic Breast Surgery

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