Hair loss is always an unwelcome surprise and affects us in devastating ways such as ruining our appearance and damaging our confidence, and self esteem. We understand how important your hair is and without further ado, here is everything you need to know about hair loss shampoos and hair growth shampoos.
What Causes Hair Loss?
Hair loss, or pattern baldness, is more typical than you might suspect and can occur to anyone. However, the uplifting news is that there are very effective, easy, and inexpensive solutions.
Various factors contribute to male or female pattern baldness and hair loss can be hereditary or can happen as a consequence of ageing, hormonal imbalances, or as a side effect from cancer medications – all of which can lead to the loss of stem cells dependable for hair formation during the growth cycle.
The hair follicle cells have a high turnover of molecules through the metabolic pathway and therefore a very active metabolism.
This requires a high and stable supply of nutrients and energy. To give a better understanding of hair loss, a little bit of biology must be introduced. Hair growth is a cycle divided into four main phases:
- Anagen phase: growth stage of the hair follicle
- Catagen phase: Regression and involution stage of hair follicle cycle
- Telogen phase: Resting stage of hair follicle cycle
- Exogen: Active hair shaft shedding stage of hair follicle cycle
Over time, the length of the anagen phase decreases. Thus, the hair may become weaker and thinner after completing a cycle. This can be a result of a calorie loss or lack of several macro and micronutrients, such as proteins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and vitamins.
Can You Prevent Hair Loss?
So, we know there are many reasons for hair loss. But can hair loss be prevented?
Hair loss products for thinning hair, receding hairlines, and balding have existed for some time. However, companies and dermatologists have only recently been able to provide scientific evidence of treatments that work.
The human hair follicle has a complex multi-cell type interaction system with a unique cyclical activity that can – through the four main stages characterized as growth, regression, rest, and regrowth – provide a range of opportunities to prevent hair loss and regrow hair.
Are Hair Loss Treatments Effective?
Hair loss treatments work in various ways. Medications have been shown to help prevent hair loss and promote thicker hair growth. Other treatments such as PRP for hair loss can also be effective.
Here’s a list of popular medical treatment options for hair loss
● Minoxidil
● Finasteride
● Dutasteride
● Hair transplant
Although medical treatment is a useful method for combating hair loss, the treatment can cause unpleasant side effects such as headaches, skin irritation,unusual weight gain and fatigue. Another option is hair transplant surgery which comes with serious risks and complications. Instead, check out these alternatives to hair transplants and hair loss medication which can be just as effective.
Remember hair growth is a slow process and everyone is different. It is recommended that you try a product out for four to five months before you determine whether it is effective or not. Taking before and after photos is a good way to monitor your progress, and can show you when there is new hair growth which you might not otherwise notice.
What is Capilia Longa For Hair Loss?
Capilia Longa originated from the plant Curcuma Longa and achieves hair growth reactivation through a biological approach. It produces an epigenetic reset of the hair bulb, restarting the activity of the dermal papilla cells.
The Curcuma Longa plant and the chemical compound curcuminoid have over 400 preclinical trials and more than 1000 publications in the biomedical literature, and thus is the most thoroughly researched formulation in biomedicine. Curcuminoids have a wide variety of pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, antiprotozoal, and anti-inflammatory, all of which are beneficial to hair growth.
Capilia Longa acts as a hair 3D bioprinter that resets and controls hair growth with a “bio software” that simultaneously nourishes hair growth with an innovative bio-ink.
The advanced Capilia Longa formula is the first generation of all-natural and plant-based hair growth formulas that helps to strengthen hair follicles, stimulate healthier and stronger hair growth, and extend the life of the hair fibres.
How Do Amino Acids Help Hair Growth?
Amino acids applied externally are widely known to interact with the hair positively and consist of key elements necessary for hair to produce keratin, which is extremely important for healthy hair.
The amino acid blend used in Alpha Anagen consists of essential amino acids acting as a building block to restore keratin in the hair. Several preclinical trials in our Alpha Anagen formula have shown an increase in the hair-strengthening process, revitalising and restoring damaged hair. The formula furthermore causes the blood vessels to relax, known as vasodilation. It also helps to moisturize and nourish the scalp to prevent dandruff.
The most amazing thing about Capilia Longa and the Alpha Anagen tailored amino acid formula, are that they are both 100% naturally made. This is in noticeable contrast to other popular hair loss treatments, such as Minoxidil and Finasteride which can have serious adverse effects.
Three Tips to Stop Hair Loss
1. It’s best to catch hair loss early
The most obvious sign of balding is a noticeable change in your hairline that you can see in photographs. As with many hair loss conditions, the earlier you seek treatment, the better. Once a part of your scalp has gone completely bald, it can be difficult to encourage that region to regrow the hair it once supported.
2. Brushing your hair is good for the scalp
Brushing stimulates the capillaries of the scalp, increasing blood circulation and the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. Some say this encourages hair growth, even strengthening the roots and diminishing hair loss. The sebaceous glands produce sebum, a protective oil, and a natural conditioner.
3. Your diet has a serious effect on the state of your hair
Diet plays an important role in the strength and health of your hair. Proteins, fats,and certain vitamins and minerals are especially important for hair health. After only intestinal cells, hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in your body. And to add to this, you have around 120,000 hairs on your scalp.
These cells need nutrition and nourishment to grow. However, because your hair is not a vital organ or tissue, your body will never prioritize its nutritional needs.So, a change to your diet can cause hair loss. If you suddenly decided to become vegan or went on a strict diet out of the blue, without letting your body adapt slowly, this could lead to sudden hair loss.
You may notice improvements in hair growth if you increase foods that are high in healthy fats, proteins and vitamin D such as:
● Spinach
● Soybeans
● Olive oil
● Avocados
● Eggs
● Salmon and Tuna

Scandinavian Biolabs Hair Growth Formulas
Hair loss can happen due to many reasons including diet, stress, post-pregnancy (postpartum), habits, and hereditary causes. Scandinavian Biolabs Hair Growth formulas are all organic paraben free and sulphate free and have been shown to generate considerable improvement in hair growth in clinical studies.