CSA Celebrate Pride Month June 2023

CSA Celebrate Pride Month June 2023

I have been happily married to a wonderful, supportive and caring man for over 20 years but I will always identify as a bisexual woman. This is why Pride month holds immense personal significance for me.

Ready to celebrate our amazing, diverse rainbow nation? Let’s work towards a future where everyone is free to be themselves!  Join us as we reignite the UK and the rest of the world to get back on track for LGBTQ+ rights.

Annabelle Baugh |C.S.A Founder


Take Meaningful Action to Safeguard LGBTQ+ Rights


This year signifies a significant milestone as it marks the 50th anniversary of the UKs first Pride march in the UK. On that day, hundreds of LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies gathered in London to protest against a society where they were not safe to express their true selves. Despite facing fears for their own safety, these brave protesters marched to Trafalgar Square, knowing the importance of having their voices heard. Their actions that day laid the foundation for progressive societal changes that have unfolded over the past five decades, benefiting LGBTQ+ individuals.

Over the past 50 years LGBTQ+ rights have seen tremendous progress. Today, we can take pride in a United Kingdom where a majority of the public supports LGBTQ+ neighbors, colleagues, family, and friends. It is a society where almost all LGBTQ+ individuals can live openly and freely,  and have their lives and history taught in schools for future generations to learn from. However, we must not take this progress for granted. Over the past 50 years, the LGBTQ+ community has faced numerous smear campaigns from those who aim to push them back into hiding. Sadly, these attacks persist today in the UK, with a vocal minority propagating intolerant LGBTQ+ rhetoric in various aspects of society, including the media and politics. 

Without proactive measures, there is a risk of regressing on the hard won rights achieved. Examples from other countries, such as the US, Hungary, and Poland, serve as reminders of the consequences of complacency. It’s critical to recognise and accept there is still work to be done to ensure that regardless of your gender identity, sexual orientation, or how you choose to live, you are protected from discrimination and hate, especially for non-binary and transgender individuals.

The question now is, will you join us in taking meaningful action to safeguard LGBTQ+ rights? This Pride Month we call upon the majority to proudly support LGBTQ+ rights and to take meaningful actions. We need to keep standing up and demonstrating to the leaders of the world that we aspire to, and will continue to strive for a world where no one faces discrimination for how they choose to be their most authentic selves. To make sure the UK is safe for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community take action with STONEWALL UK by showing support and joining the campaign to enforce a full UK, legislative ban on conversion therapy that protects trans people. 

By taking the first step today, you can exhibit how you #TakePride and contribute to the ongoing fight for equality and inclusion. Let us collectively show our unwavering support for LGBTQ+ rights and work towards a society where everyone can live with dignity and respect, irrespective of their sexual orientation or choice of gender affirmation or identity. 

Together, let us make a resolute commitment to fortify our unity, amplify our strength, and embrace our pride. 


Annabelle Baugh
Author: Annabelle Baugh


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