
Extra Large Breast Implants with the Internal Bra Method



Extra Large Breast Implants

Not all individuals want natural looking breasts following a breast augmentation. Some individuals for various reasons may want breasts that are out of proportion and would be considered extremely large. Petite individuals may be able to achieve extra large looking breasts with breast implant volumes between 500cc and 800cc, however usually breast implant volumes over 800cc will be required by individuals that want extremely large breasts following breast augmentation.


Extra Large Breast Implant Options


Silicone filled breast implants 

Silicone filled breast implants can be custom made in volumes over 800cc, however, they will cost approximately double the cost of pre manufactured breast implants.


Saline filled breast implants 

Saline filled breast implants are available with overfill volumes of approximately between 1000cc and 1200cc, however many plastic surgeons will overfill to volumes around 1500cc to 2000cc.


Tissue Expanders (expandable breast implants)

Tissue Expanders (expandable breast implants) are filled with saline and are available with overfill volumes approximately between 1200cc and 1500cc. However many plastic surgeons will overfill to volumes around 2500cc to 3000cc.



Risks and Complications with Extra Large Breast Implants


Extra large breast augmentation with extra large breast implants has higher associated risks which include:


  • Infection – increased risk with Tissue Expanders
  • Hematoma’s – collection of blood
  • Seroma’s – collection of fluids
  • Nerve damage
  • Necrosis – death of cells which in severe cases may cause breast implant extrusion
  • Rippling/noticeable breast implant edges – less likely with submuscular placement
  • Skin atrophy – thinning of skin which is severe cases may cause breast implant extrusion
  • Capsular Contraction – hardening and thickening of the scar tissue capsule
  • Breast Implant Displacement



What is the Internal Bra Method?


Breast augmentation with the internal bra method can be done with a variety of different surgical techniques.

Suture method

Internal absorbable sutures are placed in strategic areas to provide additional support, this method is more likely to be offered with the submuscular breast implant placement.

Mesh method

Mesh method  internal ‘hammock’ support can be created by suturing mesh to the chest wall.



Mesh Options


Acellular Dermal Matrix

Acellular Dermal Matrix  made from biologic tissue which will become fully incorporated into your natural tissue.

Slowly Resorbing Materials

SERI® surgical scaffold (Allergan, Inc.), comprised of purified fibroin silk, and meshes based on poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (GalaFLEX®, Tepha Medical Devices) are the leading products.


My Advice


Extra large breast augmentation with breast implants or tissue expanders with volumes over 800cc is more likely to cause complications months or even years following breast augmentation. There are also higher risks which can lead to the necessity to remove the breast implants or breast implant extrusion. Changing extra large breast implants for breast implants with a smaller cc volume is also challenging and will almost always require a breast lift to be performed at the same time.


Plastic Surgery Galleries with Extra Large Breast Implants


Below are links for photographs of patients who have received extra large breast implants with volumes over 800cc.

The links are provided for visual purposes only.









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