The latest treatment for cellulite reduction

What is cellulite

VelaShape 3

VelaShape 3 is one of the latest cellulite reduction treatment available and promises to smooth skin and target stubborn areas of fat for a defined silhouette. However, does it really deliver the results?


What is cellulite?

Cellulite is simply fat that has accumulated under the skin surface. Women tend to get cellulite more than men and the degree of cellulite you have is dependent on genes, your percentage of body fat, age and the thickness of your skin. Cellulite is also referred to as orange peel or cottage-cheese skin and is experienced by between 80% to 90% of women.

Aesthetic practitioners will often use the below Nurnberger-Muller severity scale, to grade cellulite:


  • Stage 1 is classed as mild and produces mild indentations in the skin, this grade of cellulite is often referred to as orange peel skin.
  • Stage 2 is classed as moderate and produces a higher number of indentations that are a medium-depth,  this grade of cellulite is often referred to as cottage cheese skin.
  • Stage 3 is classed as severe and produces deeper indentations that are more noticeable.


How does VelaShape 3 treat cellulite?

VelaShape 3 is a treatment that combines Bi-polar radio frequency and infrared light to deliver heat into the deeper layers of the tissues, with vacuum and massage. VelaShape treatment has been used for over 10 years and boasts the highest number of published studies, for a medical body shaping treatment. The Bi-polar radio frequency waves heat the fat cells and vacuum massage targets the treatment area with mechanical rollers that help to smooth the skin and reduce the appearance  of cellulite  smoothen out the skin. The heat stimulates the production of collagen which further tightens and improves skin texture over time, following the treatment. Most people require a course of 3 to 4 treatments, approximately 2 weeks apart, to achieve smooth, cellulite free skin.


What areas can VelaShape 3 treat?

VelaShape 3 can treat any area where you have cellulite, you can also have treatments on the jawline, neck and double chin to achieve greater definition. People with  body mass index (BMI) 30 or below and stage 1 and stage 2 cellulite are ideal patients and will benefit the most from this treatment.


Is VelaShape 3 better than VelaOnce?

VelaShape 3 requires multiple treatments, however it is more effective at cellulite reduction. VelaOnce is perfect if you want to reduce stubborn areas of fat with just one treatment. You can mix the 2 treatments, for example you could have a VelaOnce treatment on your abdomen and VelaShape 3 on your thighs.


Are the results permanent?

Aging and gravity will change your body over time, regardless of what treatments you have chosen to have. To maintain the results achieved following a course of VelaShape 3 treatments or a VelaOnce treatment, you may need to have a top up treatment, every 3 months to 6 months.


What are the risks and complications of VelaShape 3?

There are no serious risks or complications although you may experience some temporary redness and mild swelling and, or bruising. VelaShape 3 is not suitable if you have health conditions such as liver or kidney damage or disease, circulation disorders or certain skin conditions. VelaShape 3 should also not be performed on anyone who has cancer or metal implants in the area they want treated, or a pacemaker. Following the birth of a baby you should check with your midwife or obstetrician before having a VelaShape treatment.


Key facts about VelaShape 3

  • Safe – no downtime, risks or complications
  • Painless – patients report treatments to be pleasant with gentle tugging of the skin along with a warming sensation
  • Fast – treatments take approximately 20 to 30 minutes
  • Effective – assurance of proven results
  • FDA approved – the only FDA approved treatment for cellulite reduction
Annabelle Baugh
Author: Annabelle Baugh


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